Saturday, December 4, 2010


     In a nut shell, the Quaker connection goes back to Casper Strahl (born 1732 in Germany) and ends with Stacy Strahl, Casper's grandson, in 1822 when Stacy married outside the Quaker faith.

     Casper married Rebbeca Barger, also a Quaker.  They had nine children of whom one was Isaac.  Isaac married Ellen Lee who also was Quaker.  They had twelve children.  Their son, Stacy, was the one who broke the chain when he married Caroline Campbell in 1822.  As a result of his union, Stacy was disowned by the Quaker Somerset MM.  They had seven children.   Interestingly, Stacy was afflicted with epilepsy.   To continue with the lineage, Caroline and Stacy's son, Isaac, married Samantha Davis.  Their son, Perley, married Katherine Palmer.  They are the parents of my grandfather, Aaron Strahl.  Aaron married Bessie Mae Pugh on January 1, 1899, to which was born to that union, my father, Everette Ray Strahl.   What religion was followed after the break with the Quaker faith was not recorded, however, my grandfather, Aaron was a staunch Baptist.  The early Strahls settled in Pennsylvania.  Sometime later, the Strahls settled in Ohio and from there to Wisconsin.    

Perley is on left with the white beard.  Aaron is front with arms crossed.  Everette is in the light colored suit.  The picture was taken in 1925 when Everette (my father) was 24 years old.   

Katherine Palmer Strahl ... June 1936.  She died in December 1936.

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